Guided Tour Ruhr 3 Essen city walk
Essen - European Capital of Culture 2010
When Altfrid, the 4th Bishop of Hildesheim, founded in the year 852 on his estate 'Astnide' just at the junction of two ancient trade routes a convent for ladies of the German nobility, the foundation-stone of the city of Essen was laid. Around the convent merchants and craftsman settled. The city became obvious in 1244, when the townsmen made a contract to build a city wall.
For the next 1000 years Essen was just a small negligible farming town. With the secularization of the convent by Napoleon and the succeeding industrial revolution Essen changed fundamentally and became the metropolis of Europe's largest industrial region.
War destruction, reconstruction and the crisis of mining industry changed the city again completely. On this city walk You'll come into touch with the different eras and hear something about the Princess Abbess of Essen and Krupp, Beguines and the 'Lichtburg', Baedeker and Grillo, the cathedral and Heinz Rühmann.
Operator: TSR
Meeting-point: Essen main station, Willy-Brandt-Platz
Length: about 90 minutes
Dates: none
Max. number of participants: 20 people
Price: English tours 150€; all the year round on request
Special note: Please wear convenient and weatherproof shoes/clothing.